The Sorrowful Virgin: Medieval and Early Modern Devotion

In association with Oxford Medieval Studies, sponsored by The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities (TORCH), and the Centre for Early Modern Studies, convened by Anna Wilmore, Taro Kobayashi, and Katerina Levinson on 24 March 2025 in St Hugh’s College

9:15-10:15am – Panel 1: Textual and Visual Devotion

  • Susanne de Jong (Leiden): Praying with Compassion: The Devotion of Mary’s Sorrows in Middle Dutch Books of Hours
  • Fiammetta Campagnoli (Sorbonne): A “Devotional Mirror”: Following Mary’s Footsteps through Her Sorrow and Meditations

10:35-11:35am – Panel 2: Sacred and Secular

  • Joana Balsa de Pinho (Lisbon): Piety and welfare: the Sorrowful Virgin in the context of the Portuguese Confraternities of Mercy
  • Serena Cuomo (Santiago de Compostela): Mother of all mothers – Affective Piety and Maternal Grief in the Roman de Troie

11:35am-12:35pm – Panel 3: Emotion and Trauma

  • Costas Gavriel (Oxford): ‘You know my pain’: Trauma, Self-Narrative and Marian Devotion in the Memorias of Leonor López de Córdoba
  • Ana Vitoria Lopes (Sao Paulo): Crying Women in Devotional Panels: A Study through the Lens of the History of Emotions

2-3pm – Manuscript workshop at the Weston Library. Handout.

Presented by Anna Wilmore and Susanne de Jong, with manuscripts being shown by Bodleian curator Matthew Holford

  • Private Devotions:
    MS Douce 264: early 16th century book of private prayers and devotions (Latin and French) printed for a member of the family of Scepeaux
    MS Lat Liturg .e .36: Italian collection of prayers written for a nun, 14th /15th century
  • Latin and Vernacular:
    MS Douce 1: A tiny prayer book c. 1460 England, containing prayers in Latin and Middle English
  • Speculum humanae salvationis:
    MS Lyell 67: late 14th century, Bohemia. f. 46r and 87v (Crucifixion), 90v (Virgin pierced by sword) and 91v (Virgin surrounded by arma Christi)
    Arch. G d. 56, digitised, a hybrid Dutch incunable/blockbook c. 1470, see the description of the John Rylands copy and the CERL entry
  • Middle Dutch Books of Hours – MS Douce 243: Dutch; 3rd quarter 15th Century
    MS Buchanan f. 1: These are both Dutch Books of Hours using the translation of Geert Grote.

3:45-5pm – Montgomery Powell (Oxford): Myn kynt unde ok myn god: Sorrowful Participation in the Bordesholmer Marienklage, followed by performance and discussion of Marian laments. Handout

5pm-6pm  – Keynote by Prof. Lesley Twomey (Northumbria): The Sorrows of the Virgin Mary at the Foot of the Cross in vernacular Vitae Christi in Medieval France, England and Spain.

The Seven Sorrows of the Virgin from The Prayer Book of Cardinal Albrecht of Brandenburg, approx 1525-35, Simon Benning, Getty Museum, Ms. Ludwig IX 19 (83.ML.115), fol. 251v