Medieval Trade Study Day

Medieval Trade Study Day, 1st July, 10am-3:30pm.
There are places left for this study day, which will involve small group handling sessions at the Ashmolean in the morning, a packed lunch provided, and afternoon discussions with the group as a whole. If anyone would like to sign up, please fill in the following form: The Study Day has been arranged for the Medieval Trade Reading Group to further our conversations from over the past year. Sign up will close at the end of 24th June.

The day will consist of:

Morning: Ashmolean visit. We will have small group handling sessions led by Dr Harris (to abide by Covid regulations). While one group is in the session, the other two will be exploring the museum.

Lunch: Packed sandwich lunches, (probably provided at the Andrew Wiles building but location TBC).

Afternoon: Group discussions about methodologies and primary sources in the Humanities Division building.
This is planned to be very much guided by what the group would most benefit from – please indicate preferences below.

The scheduled study day will begin at 10:00 is planned to end by 15:30.

Any questions, please contact Annabel at