Week 2 begins! Please find included a list of this week’s events and opportunities. As always, a PDF version copy of the booklet can be found here. Read on.

- French Palaeography Manuscript Reading Group – 10.30am in the Weston Library. Those interested should email Laure Miolo.
- Medieval Archaeology Seminar – 3pm at the Institute of Archaeology. Ragneheiður Traistadóttir and Knut Passche will be speaking on ‘Viking Age Burials and Medieval Settlement from Frörður, Iceland/ Wiking Ships: Gateways to the Past’.
- Medieval History Seminar – 5pm at All Souls College. Genevieve Caulfield (UCL) will be speaking on ‘Making Moral Judgements: Theory and Practice in the Thought of Johannes Nider’.
- Italian Research Seminar – 5:15pm in Room 2 of the Taylorian Institute. Dr Rhiannon Daniels will present a paper titled ‘Printing Boccaccio’s Lives 1470-1600: The Canonisation of a Vernacular Author’.
- Medieval English Research Seminar – 12.15pm at Lecture Theatre 2 of the St Cross Building. Sian Hughes will be speaking on ‘Pearls: A Reading and Conversation’.
- The Latin palaeography reading group occurs 2-3.30pm. Please email Laure Miolo for more information.
- Medieval Church and Culture – 5pm in the Wellbeloved Room, Harris Machester College. Krisztina Ilko (Queens’, Cambridge) will be speaking in ‘A Chess King From Norman Southern Italy’.
- The Centre for Early Medieval Britain and Ireland Lecture – 5.15pm at the Gillis Lecture Theatre, Balliol College. Alex Woolf (St Andrews) will be speaking on ‘Ships, Men, and Land in Dál Riata, England, and Beyond’.
- Reading Jews in Late Antiquity – 10am in Room 207 of The Clarendon Institute. The theme for this week is Heresies and Heretical Beliefs.
- Medieval German Seminar – 11.15am at Somerville College. To be added to the Teams group for updates, please email Henrike Lähnemann.
- Medieval Latin Document Reading Group – 4pm online. To join, please email Michael Stansfield.
- Late Antique and Byzantine Seminar – 5pm in the Ioannou Centre. Anne McCabe (Athens) will be speaking on ‘From Temple to Church: New Evidence for the Christianization of the Hephaisteion in Athens’.
- Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies seminar – 5.15pm online. Please see the booklet, where a wealth of Celtic language lessons can also be found.
- Oxford Medieval Society Welcome Drinks and Quiz – 6pm at the King’s Arms.
- Pusey House Library Welcome Party – 6.15 pm at Pusey House Library.
- Medievalists Coffee Morning – 10.30am at the Weston Library.
- Exploring Medieval Oxford through Lincoln & Magdalen Archives – 2pm in the EPA Centre (Museum Road) Seminar room 1. Please contact Laure Miolo for more information.
- Middle English Reading Group – 3pm in the Beckington Room, Lincoln College.

- Tickets are available here for the Society of Medieval Archaeology Student Colloquium.
- Tickets are available here for the inaugural lecture of the Gad Rausing Associate Professor of Viking-Age Archaeology, held at St Cross College at 3pm on Friday 8th November. Dr Jane Kershaw will be speaking on ‘The Viking Diaspora: Causes, Networks and Cultural Identity’.

- A fully-funded AHRC doctoral studentship at Oxford in partnership with The National Archives is seeking applicants to work on Chaucer’s life and poetry – https://oocdtp.web.ox.ac.uk/ox-cda-turner-nationalarchives.
- The Central European University are advertising a number of funded PhDs and Masters – see the blog post here.
- University College Dublin are advertising a funded PhD in Early medieval political and/or intellectual culture (c.500-c.1000 CE) which will be supervised by Dr Megan Welton. See the blog post here.
- Check out this handy guide to how to blog – including a call for authors for the OMS blog – by Miles Pattenden.
- Addenda and corrigenda to Oxford Medieval Studies by Monday 5pm, please.

Bayeux Tapestry, Panel 43 (Available online Discover the Bayeux Tapestry online/). The little divider chap above is from Panel 18. The header image was produced using https://htck.github.io/bayeux/#!/