Workshop : The Order of St Victor in Medieval Scandinavia

Workshop 3: Victorine and Augustinian Influences in the North-East.

Aula Magna, Stockholm University, 25–26 May 2023.

Hosted by the Stockholm University Centre for Medieval Studies
Arranged by Prof. Roger Andersson, Stockholm University and Prof. Samu Niskanen, University of Helsinki. Open to interested subject to availability. Register interest by contacting

Thursday 25 May

COFFEE 10:00–10:30

SESSION 1: 10:30–12:00

  • Welcome address and general introduction (Roger Andersson & Samu Niskanen)
  • Christian Etheridge, National Museum, Stockholm: ”The Abbey of St. Victor and Medieval Science”
  • Micol Long, University of Padova: ”Mind, Body and the Environment in some Twelfth Century Augustinian Authors From Paris to Scandinavia”

LUNCH: 12:00–13:30 Fakultetsklubben, SU

SESSION 2: 13:30–15:00

  • Sanna Supponen, University of Helsinki: ”Influence of Victorine Authorities on Magister Mathias’s Alphabetum Disctinccionum”
  • Biörn Tjällén, Mid Sweden University, Sundsvall: ” Hugh of St Victor, Ericus Olai and the Chronica regni Gothorum”
  • Fredrik Öberg, University of Helsinki: ”Using Saint Augustine as a Way to Legitimize Katarina Ulfsdotter as a Saint”

COFFEE 15:00–15:30

SESSION 3: 15:30–16:30

  • Jaakko Tahkokallio University of Helsinki: ‘Victorine texts and St Victor in Sweden. A conspectus of the evidence in the fragments of the National Archives’.
  • Olle Ferm, Stockholm University: ”Swedish Connections with Paris 1150–1250”

DINNER 19:00 Den Gyldene Freden, Österlånggatan 51, Old Town

Friday 26 May

SESSION 4: 10:00–11:00

  • Anna Minara Ciardi, Catholic Diocese of Stockholm, Lund University: “Augustinian Movement in the North: Reform or Resistance? The Archdiocese of Lund in the Twelfth Century”
  • Kurt Villads Jensen, Stockholm University: ”The Victorines and the Danish Flag from Heaven”

COFFEE 11:00–11:30

DISCUSSION: 11:30–12:15

LUNCH: 12:30–13:30 Fakultetsklubben, SU

EXHIBITIONS OF MANUSCRIPTS: 14:00–15:00 National Library of Sweden (for speakers)

EXHIBITION OF ALTAR PANELS: 15:30–16:30 The Historical Museum (for speakers)

DINNER 19:00 Restaurant Knut, Upplandsgatan 17, Vasastan

The workhop has been generously funded by NOS-HS.

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