Friday, 26 May 2023, 2-4pm in the St Peter’s College Chapel
St Peter’s College is pleased to host a practical art workshop as part of a current display exploring the works of Hungarian artist Ervin Bossányi (1891-1975) in the College collections and Chapel stained glass. His artistic achievements range from paintings and friezes to stained glass windows in prestigious buildings such as Canterbury Cathedral and Washington National Cathedral in the USA.
A guided tour of the display by Dr Alison Ray (College Archivist) will be followed by a linocut workshop led by Dr Eleanor Baker and participants will produce their own linocut designs. Eleanor completed her DPhil in medieval material texts in 2022, and is currently working on a short anthology of book curses. She started linocutting as a lockdown hobby, and is inspired by late medieval woodcuts, folk horror, and the natural world. The afternoon will conclude with refreshments in the Chapel with thanks to the Revd Dr Elizabeth Pitkethly (College Chaplain).
Attendance is free, but booking is required as space is limited. Please contact Alison Ray to reserve a place by email:

Dr Eleanor Baker will lead the practical art workshop with a linocut activity
The ‘Ervin Bossányi: Stained Glass Artist’ display is currently running 12-26 May 2023, 10am-5pm (closed Thursdays) in the St Peter’s College Chapel. Admission is free and open to the public.

A few months ago, I think in connection with your exhibition of the work of Ervin Bossanyi at St Peter’s College Chapel, I noted that there would be an exhibition at the Ashmolean of Bossanyi’s work from 8 July to 14 Jan 2024. Now I can’t find any trace of that exhibition. Do you know anything about it?
Thank you.
Kind regards,
Susannah Wight
Best to contact Alison Ray, the St Peter’s archivist – she will certainly be able to help!