Methodology Workshop in cooperation with OCTET and Dark Archives
- Insights from the Series of ‘Digital Editions Live’ launches
- Developing a framework for digital editing and exploring manuscripts online
- Reflections on preparing digital editions in times of lockdown
- Development of new digital methods for teaching History of the Book
- Further Perspectives in conjunction with the Oxford Centre for Textual Editing and Theory and initiatives at Trinity College Dublin

In line with the previous Dark Archives conferences, the presentations (in this case: the digital edition launch events) will be accessible via http://darkarchiv.es. They will be linked in to the Taylor Editions https://editions.mml.ox.ac.uk/ and archived via OCTET https://octet.web.ox.ac.uk/.
At four thematic panels, the graduate students will discuss with international guests and Oxford-based editors from OCTET and Digital Humanities methodological issues arising from the digital launches and the digital public engagement they undertook for their projects.
3:00pm – Expanding Unicode: Challenges of non-standardised features (A)
3:30pm – Expanding Taylor Editions: Making advanced use of the platform’s functionalities (B)
4:00pm – Expanding Versions: Challenges of linking up with existing editions and translations (C)
4:30pm – Expanding Access: Challenges of Digital Public Engagement (D)
6pm – Open Air Drinks for Oxford participants in St Edmund Hall
Panelists for A (abbreviations / unicode / encoding damage):
- Katie Bastiman and Holly Abrahamson: Dante Ante-Purgatorio (MS. Canon.Ital. 108)
- Josephine Bewerunge, Molly Ford, Sam Heywood, Caroline Lehnert, Molly Lewis, Marlene Schilling: A collective edition of a German devotional miscellany (MS. Germ. e. 5) [or split the group across different panels]
Panelists for B (Taylor editions):
- Eva Neufeind and Agnes Hilger: Arnold von Harff (MS. Bodley 972)
- Alexandra Hertlein & Dennis Pulina: Jacob Locher Panegyricus (Inc. e. G7.1497.2./Douce 73)
- Edmund Wareham and Alyssa Steiner: Reformation Pamphlets
- Sam Griffiths and Christian Tofte: Marginalia in Plutarch’s Vidas Paralelas (1491)
Panelists for C (other editions):
- Sebastian Dows-Miller: Re-awakening Merton’s Beasts (Merton College, MS. 249)
- Gabriel O’Regan: Le Roman de Renart (Bodleian Library, MS. Douce 360)
- Javaria Abbasi: Pedro de Medina’s Libro de cosmographia (1538), (MS. Canon. Ital. 243)
- Giuseppe Nanfitò: Boccaccio, Filocolo (MS. Canon. Ital. 85)
Panelists for D (digital engagement):
- Mary Newman: The oldest Tupi manuscript (MS. Bodley 617)
- Lois Williams: Cân o Senn iw Hên Feistr TOBACCO (1718), NLW. North PRINT W.s. 156
- Danielle Apodaca: Le Roman de Flamenca DH project across editions and translations
- Carrie Heusinkveld: Reconsidering the Metamorphoses by Clément Marot (MS. Douce 117)