We are pleased to announce that the call for papers for CCASNC 2022 is now open. The Cambridge Colloquium in Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic is an annual interdisciplinary graduate conference encompassing all aspects of the British Isles, Ireland, and Scandinavia in the Middle Ages. A selection of the papers will be published in the departmental journal Quaestio Insularis.
This year’s theme will be ‘Marvels and Miracles’’. Our keynote speaker will be Professor Alison Finlay, from Birkbeck University of London. We invite graduate students and recent graduates to submit abstracts of 250 words for papers no longer than 20 minutes to ccasnc@gmail.com by the 1st of December 2021.
The conference will be held on the 5th of February 2022, and it will be a hybrid conference, with the in-person component pending conditions at the time. Further details, including registration details, will be forthcoming. We hope the theme will inspire a wide range of interpretations and discussions. Potential papers could discuss wonders in many spheres: from hagiographical miracles and supernatural marvels to wonders in natural science. It could also include things that seem more marvellous to the modern reader and scholar than to a medieval audience, or to the absence of the marvellous or miraculous where it might be expected. We would like to encourage potential speakers to be as imaginative as they like with the theme.