Medieval Matters: Week 9, TT20

Dear Medievalists,

As the Summer comes rolling in, the OMS wanted to send you a quick email about what was happening for the next little while.

First, don’t forget that the Leeds International Medieval Congress is gone online and there are still plenty of panels happening. Registration is free (not limited to the first 1,500 people), so you’ll get a chance to see plenty of exciting research next month. You can register on the IMC’s website. It closes at 5pm on Friday (26th).

Oxford’s Henrike Laehnemann and Andrew Dunning will be running a fringe event on ‘Blogging with Manuscripts’ which will run on the Monday, Wednesday and Thursday of the Congress (6th, 8th, 8th July). You can find out more and register via the OMS website. Andrew will be uploading a blog with more details to the OMS website soon.

The Old English Work-in-Progress Seminar will be continuing over the summer after their huge online success this term. I have attached more information below, but you can keep up-to-date with them by joining them on their OMS channel.

Oxford Old English Work-in-Progress

Oxford Old English Work-in-Progress

The Medieval Book Club is thinking about continuing through the summer months, and is looking for reading suggestions. Send them on a postcard ( to Alex Peplow, Audrey Southgate and Henry Tann.

Our report from Tobias Capwell’s hugely successful online lecture will be uploaded soon, which Lestra Atlas has kindly written. Do keep checking back to OMS’s website for more blogs, and you can always keep up with what’s happening via Twitter (@OxMedStud).

Have a lovely and relaxing summer. You all deserve one.

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